Oberparleiter, Lee.
The role of emotion and refelction in student achievement : the frontal lobe / amuygdala / Lee Oberparleiter. - Bloomington, IN, US : AuthorHouse, 2011. - 231 p.
Reflection in education.
Dysfunctional learning.
Learning and instruction.
Frontal Lobe amygdalia connection.
370.15 LEE.
The role of emotion and refelction in student achievement : the frontal lobe / amuygdala / Lee Oberparleiter. - Bloomington, IN, US : AuthorHouse, 2011. - 231 p.
Reflection in education.
Dysfunctional learning.
Learning and instruction.
Frontal Lobe amygdalia connection.
370.15 LEE.